Bariatric Surgery in
Victoria & Corpus Christi, Texas

Dr. Craig Chang and his dedicated staff offer medical care with a personal touch. Specializing in laparoscopic surgeries including gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, TIF for GERD and general surgery procedures, Dr. Chang and his team are considered leaders in minimally invasive surgical techniques.

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Our primary mission is to take care of you, to assist you in all aspects related to your surgery and health. Visits to the doctor can cause anxiety and we want to alleviate your fears and help you return to health as quickly as possible. You may need surgery or additional testing to help you improve. These things will only be recommended if we truly believe they are in your best interest. Feel free to ask questions, we are here to help. Call the office at (361) 570-8585 with any questions or to schedule an appointment.

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Back Pain – Seemingly Unusual Post Op Symptoms of Bariatric Surgery, Part One

When we tell patients that back pain after bariatric surgery is routine, they often don’t understand why. After all, it […]

Our Locations

Victoria, Texas

6502 Nursery Drive, Suite 300
Victoria, TX 77904

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Corpus Christi, Texas

5621 Corsica Rd, Ste B
Corpus Christi, TX 78414

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