Consuming Caffeine after Weight Loss Surgery
A common question asked of us by post bariatric surgery patients is whether or not it is appropriate to consume caffeinated foods and drinks after surgery. The short answer is yes, but with a big asterisk. While caffeine itself, in significant quantities, can cause mood changes even dangerous physical changes in the body, the average person does not consume enough caffeine for that to be the case. Rather, the foods and drinks that contain caffeine are often diet-busters.
Supplementation after Weight Loss Surgery
Every weight loss surgery patient will have to supplement their diet after surgery. It stands to reason that a patient whose caloric intake has been significantly restricted will be more prone to nutritional and vitamin deficiencies than a person with no restrictions whatsoever. Further, many patients, believe (wrongly) that starving themselves will make them to lose weight faster – in fact the body is losing muscle mass and water weight and this unhealthy weight loss may lead to the possibility of more severe deficiencies and even significant injury.
Dumping Syndrome
Dumping syndrome will be a common topic of discussion for anyone who has undergone gastric bypass. While not life-threatening, it can be a very uncomfortable side-effect that is a result of consuming too much fat or sugar, especially after gastric bypass surgery. When these foods are consumed, they pass through the stomach and into the intestinal system very quickly – largely undigested. The result is a sugar spike that causes the body to release additional insulin that in turn causes a low sugar (hypoglycemia) reaction shortly afterwards. Drinking water with meals rather than between meals can also cause dumping syndrome as the water flushes the food through the stomach too quickly causing the same problem.
How to Set Goals after Bariatric Surgery
Setting goals after bariatric surgery requires a little more thought than you may expect. We are all tempted to affix a goal weight to your surgery and while that is certainly an important and necessary aspiration, there are many considerations to be made outside of that final number alone.
First is the very important concept of interim or milestone goals. These are the goals that are not final, but mark a progress point toward your desired end result. Milestones are important because they are a reminder of how far you’ve come and allow you to celebrate progress. Without milestones, you risk becoming frustrated as the weeks and months go by. Milestones should be set with both a target weight and target time frame – both of which should be reasonable. In other words, losing 10 pounds in a week is not a sustainable nor safe goal to set. Goals should be measured and attainable.
The Changing Landscape of Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery has evolved significantly since the first procedure was performed several decades ago. As the obesity epidemic has spread in the United States, bariatric surgery has been an option for an ever greater number of people. To this point, the primary qualification criterion for bariatric surgery, According to the NIH (National Institutes of Health) guidelines has been the Body Mass Index or BMI. Those with a BMI of over 35 who also present obesity related diseases are considered candidates for any bariatric procedure. In short, bariatric surgery is for obese people.
Enjoying a Night out After Bariatric Surgery
For many patients, going out after bariatric surgery can end up being a delicate balance between enjoyment out and concern for over eating too much. The fact is that eating healthy at a restaurant or at a friend’s house is much harder than doing so at home where you have complete control over the ingredients.
Oftentimes, what seems like a healthy option can actually be loaded with extra calories fats and carbohydrates. The perfect examples are some salad or soup dishes that, while on the surface, seem like a healthy option can be rather unhealthy as a result of fatty salad dressings or high sodium broths. Even lean proteins such as grilled chicken or beef may not be as healthy as they seem if they are cooked in lots of butter or served with thick sauces.
Stress – The Anti-Weight Loss
Stress is a fact of life, but how we manage it can be the difference between OK and spectacular weight loss results. Stress is a useful tool when managing a dangerous situation. However, chronic stress can wear you down. The results of uncontrolled or excessive stress can cause serious psychological and physical damage. If you are a post-bariatric surgery patient, stress can quickly derail the great progress you may have made to this point.
The drawbacks of a stressed out life are many and include:
The Importance of Friend and Family Buy-In
Friends and family members may not understand the responsibilities of a post-bariatric surgery patient and it is often up to you to get them to participate positively in your lifestyle changes. In fact, friends and family can be some of the most important assets in achieving your weight loss goals. Unfortunately, patients do not understand the value of having a solid support system around them and may isolate themselves when they get push-back.
The Importance of Follow-Up Visits after Bariatric Surgery
Every bariatric surgery procedure will require some degree of follow-up. The amount of aftercare necessary will largely depend on the procedure – for example a gastric banding patient will need to follow up more frequently than gastric bypass or gastric sleeve patients, especially in the first year or so after surgery. This is because the band will be adjusted several times before ideal restriction is found.
Managing Holidays after Bariatric Surgery
With Labor Day just around the corner, many Americans and especially those who have had bariatric surgery will be struggling with the question of how to eat and drink in moderation during their time off. The temptation is to allow our diet and exercise regimens to fall by the wayside for one day and pick back up tomorrow. However, it doesn’t take much for one day of indulgence to turn into a week or a month. Having to fight back the extra pounds is far more difficult than prevention in the first place.